SD VCD 120
Written by Khmerbotra   
Friday, 22 February 2013 05:10
Dear valued visitors, We try to find the Khmer Karaoke which produce by Sunday Karaoke Production to post them in this website, because we have many visitors over the world request us to post more Khmer Karaoke on our site.
Well, we would like to thank to visitors who support us for taking their times to write the comments to us to tell about problem of this website. We want to say that, please feel free to tell us if you want to request Khmer Karaoke. You can post it in the forum. This album has 10 Songs.
01. Songsa Tae Chhmous (Sok Pisey)
02. Songsa Mouy Thngai Songsa Mouy Chiveth (Yury)
03. Songsa Mouy Thngai Songsa Mouy Chiveth (Kola)
04. Som Seth Yom (Heng Pitu)
05. Puththou Preas Ery (ENO)
06. Ke Trov Knea Vinh Huey (Lino)
07. Honey Somnob Chet (Yury)
08. Kom Tver Yang Neng (Pitu)
09. Klach Bat Oun Heng (Pitu)
10. Prom Yom Komdor Oun (Kola)

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