Samuth VCD 2

Samuth VCD 2PDFPrintE-mail
Written by Khmerbotra   
Monday, 01 July 2013 20:01
Well, we would like to thank to visitors who support us for taking their times to write the comments to us to tell about problem of this website. We want to say that, please feel free to tell us if you want to request Khmer Karaoke. You can post it in the forum. This album has 7 Songs.
01.Poh Mai Khan Sla
02.Mum Meas Sneh
03.Mon Sneh Srey Khmao
04.Peak Oun Sonya
05.Bopha Bondoul Chet
06.Ber Sralanh Trov Hean
07.Soum Chuop Troem Cheat Hnoeng